Fantasy Sports in India has witnessed significant growth in recent years, establishing itself as one of the promising markets globally. The industry has experienced a surge in popularity, with the number of users surpassing that of the 50+-year-old market of Fantasy Sports in the United States.
Fantasy Sports User Growth
Approximately 80% of the total users of fantasy sports reside in India. From 2016 to 2021, the number of users for Fantasy Sports has grown at a CAGR of 130% in India. Because of this extensive growth of users, the popularity of fantasy sports in India is increasing.
A Glimpse of the Fantasy Sports Market Growth in India
01. Market Size and Registered Users
02. Growth Rate
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03. Nature of Fantasy Sports
Due to Fantasy sports games, users can create virtual teams by selecting real-world players. The performance of these players in real-world matches directly impacts the users’ game scores. The better the performance of their selected players, the higher the scores users can achieve.
04. Factors Driving Growth
Several factors have contributed to the growth of fantasy sports in India. Due to these the surge in popularity of fantasy sports games recorded a staggering 700% rise in the past decade. Additionally, various factors such as increasing user engagement, technological advancements, and the promise of an enhanced user experience have also contributed to the success and growth of the industry.
05. Promising Future
Because of the growth factors, the future outlook for the fantasy sports sector in India appears promising. The popularity of fantasy sports continues to rise, and the industry is expected to capitalize on technological advancements, opening up new possibilities. Fantasy sports games cater to users of all age groups, and the sector is showing no signs of slowing down.
Fantasy Sports App Development Growth in India
As a result, the number of fantasy sports users has skyrocketed by 2,500% in the past decade. This growth potential has attracted a significant increase in fantasy sports operators. Fantasy cricket is the most dominant fantasy sport in the Indian market, generating over 85% of the total revenue in 2021. It has the highest share of registered users, accounting for over 77%.
Along with technical advancement, the fantasy sports market in India will surely experience remarkable growth, with a substantial market size and a large user base. The industry is projected to continue its growth trajectory with a high CAGR, driven by factors such as increasing popularity, user engagement, and advancements in technology.