Due to PCOD, problems like pregnancy, menstruation, and diabetes increase. Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOD is a disease under which there are multiple cysts in the ovary. These cysts are sacs of a special kind of fluid. The real reason for having cysts is said to be irregularity in menstruation. Due to irregularity in menstruation, the size of the ovary increases, as a result, hormones called androgens and estrogenic are produced in large quantities. Polycystic ovaries are very larger in size than normal ovaries. It is also called Stein Liwanthan syndrome. Due to PCOD, problems like pregnancy, menstruation, and diabetes increase.
Symptoms of PCOD:
The symptoms of PCOD can be very alarming. In fact, due to this, the hair in the body of women increases, the size of the breast becomes smaller, the difference in voice starts to be felt, the weight increases and the hair of the head starts thinning. Not only this, problems like anxiety, depression, and weight gain are also seen in women who suffer from PCOD. These days PCOD is being seen in young women of adult women. The real reason for this is work stress, unhealthy diet, anxiety, depression, and lack of exercise. Also, girls who sleep less are also at risk of getting PCOD. Women who are suffering from PCOD due to their lifestyle can lead a healthy life with the help of some asanas. They also reduce the risk of PCOD.
The word Kapalbhati is formed by joining two words. A Kapal means forehead and Bhati mean shining. It is believed that doing regular exercise brings a glow to the face and keeps the body healthy. Kapalbhati is actually a hundred rituals. It is a kind of cleaning process of the body, with the help of which toxic substances are removed from the body. Under this, you have to sit in a yogic posture, and then the whole process depends on inhalation and exhalation.
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Yoni Mudra
This is such a yoga asana while doing which the woman does not feel connected to the outside world in any way. Hence it is called Yoni Mudra. It connects us with our inner world hence it is called yoni mudra. It gives the impression of having a baby in the uterus.
Pawanmukt asana
Pawanmukt asana is the most beneficial posture for our stomach. In addition, it also improves our digestion. The wind-free posture strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, as well as improves the flow of blood circulation.
A plow is a type of plowing equipment used by a farmer. Halasana is performed only after Sarvangasana which is actually an asana involving the shoulders. This asana also helps in giving relief to PCOD.
This asana is done to relieve tension and depression. Therefore, if a woman shows any symptoms of PCOD or she is under tremendous stress, then she must do this asana. This greatly reduces the risk of PCOD.