Have you ever thought about which dog breeds are the smartest? If not, now is the time to start! According to Animal Planet, there are many different ways to measure intelligence in dogs. One method involves testing how well they respond to commands — like sit! — and then comparing that with other dogs who have been tested in this way. This can be done by seeing if your dog can follow directions better than other animals who have been trained to do so; or by seeing if they’re able perform tasks faster than another animal would be able too; or by measuring their ability at problem solving through games like hidden treats (where one dog must find them while another sits nearby).
What is the top 10 smartest dog?
- Border Collie
- German Shepherd
- Doberman Pinscher
- Poodle
- Rottweiler
- Labrador Retriever
- Golden Retriever
What’s the most obedient dog?
The Border Collier, German Shepherd and Poodle are all considered the smartest breeds.
- The Border Collier is a working dog that originated in England.
- The German Shepherd was developed in Germany as a herding and guard dog. It’s now one of the most popular dogs in America because it can work for years without resting!
- Poodles have been bred for centuries to have long hair that floats around their heads like streamers—they’re very popular among kings and queens (and presidents). This makes them great companions for people who like having lots of attention from others!German Shepherds are also very intelligent dogs with an average IQ score around 80 points, which means they’re more than twice as smart as cats! Their brains weigh about 4-5% more than those belonging to other breeds (such as Labs), but this doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with having a small head–it’s just another way these guys show off their smarts!
Who is no 1 dog in world?
The Border Collie is no 1 dog in the world. They have a brain size of 1.5% of their body weight and they make up for it with their intelligence and personality.
The Labrador Retriever is one of the smartest breeds in the world, second only to Border Collies. They can be taught tricks, but they also need lots of exercise so that you can keep them entertained!
German Shepherds are also very intelligent dogs with an average IQ score around 80 points, which means they’re more than twice as smart as cats! Their brains weigh about 4-5% more than those belonging to other breeds (such as Labs), but this doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with having a small head–it’s just another way these guys show off their smarts!
I hope you enjoyed this article and that it gave you insight into the smartness of dogs. If you’re looking for an even smarter dog, check out our article on the smartest dogs.The Labrador Retriever is one of the smartest breeds in the world, second only to Border Collies. They can be taught tricks, but they also need lots of exercise so that you can keep them entertained!