The pain of sciatica is sharp and unbearable. Its patients are also able to do their daily activities with great difficulty. In this case, some yoga asanas can be useful.
Sciatica pain occurs in any one part of the body. This pain is very sharp and unbearable. Sciatica patients cannot stand for a long time. Even after walking for a long time, they start getting pain in the legs and back. The pain of sciatica is aggravated by overworking, lifting heavy weights, and bending down. In such a situation, sciatica patients should avoid doing these things. You may have resorted to medicines to reduce the pain of sciatica, but if you want, you can also get relief from its pain with some great yoga asanas.
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Hasta padangusthasana
Fatigue is removed by doing Hasta Padangusthasana. It is also helpful in reducing weight. Due to this, there is a stretch in the feet, knees, and ankles, due to which the legs become strong. By practicing it daily, the digestion system, and muscles become strong. The nervous system is strengthened. Hasta Padangusthasana helps in maintaining the balance of the body. Doing this regularly will make you feel energized. To do this, first of all, stand by keeping the feet close to each other, keeping the spine straight. Straighten the right leg by lifting it forward. Hold this toe with the right hand. Keeping the other hand on the waist, stand on one leg while maintaining balance. Stay in this state for some time. Now do this with the other leg.
In the starting, you can also do this asana with the support of a wall. Gradually, when the balance is built, you do it without any support.
Doing Dhanurasana daily strengthens the muscles of the back and lower abdomen. It also strengthens the muscles of your hands and feet. This makes the body tone and flexibility. Doing Dhanurasana regularly reduces stress and anxiety. This is a very good yoga posture to reduce the problem of sciatica. To do Dhanurasana, first lay a yoga mat. Lie on your stomach on the mat. Keep the feet completely connected to each other. Keep your hands near your feet. After this slowly bend the knees, and hold the ankle with your hands. Taking a long breath, lift the chest and thighs off the ground. After this, pull the feet with your hands. Look at the front smiling. And then stay in this state for a few seconds. During this, your body should be drawn like a bow.
By doing Bhujangasana, problems related to periods end. This is a very beneficial yoga posture for sciatica. This strengthens the bones. Relieves the problem of gas, acidity, and constipation. Digestion is cured by practicing it daily, kidney and liver are also always fine. It is also helpful in reducing tummy fat. To do this, you lie down on the mat on your stomach. Take both the legs straight and join them together. Place the chin on the ground, and keep both the elbows by the ribs. Keep the palms on the ground. Now place the head on the ground, while breathing, slowly raise the neck, chest, and abdomen. Remain in this state for some time. And while exhaling, slowly come back to the starting position. Patients with back pain and hernia should not do it.
By doing Shalabhasana, the muscles become strong. This strengthens the muscles of our hands, feet, thighs, and feet. It cures the digestive system, it cures all the problems related to the stomach. It enhances blood circulation. And it also gives relief to sciatica pain. To do this, first lay a mat. Lie on your stomach on this. Keep both the legs straight, and keep the toes straight and upwards. Keeping both the hands straight, press them under the thighs. Keep your head and mouth straight. Taking a deep breath, raise both the legs up (as high as you can). Stay in this position for 20 seconds. And you can also increase it according to your capacity. After that slowly relax while exhaling. Do this 3-4 times.
Always do it on an empty stomach. Avoid doing this even if you have pain in your head, neck, and spine. Should not do this yoga asana if you are a pregnant woman. It should also not be done in back and back pain.
If you want to learn different types of yoga asana that can help you reduce weight and lead a healthier life then you can join a Weight Loss Retreat In Rishikesh.
Do not do these yoga asanas if you have sciatica
If you have sciatica, then you should not do some yoga asanas at all. Doing these asanas can increase your problems. Do not do forward bending postures at all. In such a situation, you should do only those yoga asanas, which are beneficial for you. Avoid doing these yoga asanas-
By doing these yoga asanas regularly, you can also get relief from sciatica pain.